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    Mainland China 結果共102筆

  • Search continues for missing 2 Chinese fishermen

    Taipei: Mainland China fishing boat capsizes off Dongding Island, leaving 2 dead and 2 missing. Coast guard in frantic search as hope hangs on the critical 72-hour window.
    2024/03/15 12:10
  • KMT leader heads delegation to China amid maritime crisis

    Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia leads a delegation to China amidst tensions over a maritime incident, emphasizing the party’s advocacy for Taiwan’s interests. The visit sparks discussions on cross-strait relations amid political complexities.
    2024/02/26 18:05
  • Premier: China’s stance key to full Taiwan tour group access

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen announced that travel to mainland China is possible for pre-arranged tour groups before May 31, pending China’s cooperation. The decision, made in response to a query from Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi at the Legislative Yuan, was explained as a temporary measure due to China’s failure to reciprocate group tourism efforts. Chen highlighted that the possibility of lifting the ban hinges on China’s willingness, emphasizing that existing tour groups can still travel before the end of May.
    2024/02/20 18:52
  • Fmr. Taiwan President urges resolution for maritime tensions

    Former Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou addresses recent maritime incidents involving Chinese vessels in Taiwanese waters, emphasizing the importance of handling such situations legally and fairly. Tensions rise as mainland Chinese speedboats trespass into Kinmen waters, leading to a fatal accident. Ma urges dialogue between Taiwan and mainland China to resolve contentious issues and ensure safe navigation in shared maritime areas.
    2024/02/17 16:51
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • China blames Taiwan for fishermen deaths from boat crash

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) strongly condemns Taiwan for its treatment of Chinese fishermen after a speedboat capsized in Kinmen waters, resulting in two deaths. The mainland speedboat had breached the Kinmen maritime boundary and was pursued by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. After refusing inspection, the boat capsized and two crew members died. The TAO expresses condolences to the victims’ families and demands Taiwan to investigate the incident and assist the families. They also warn Taiwan to respect the historical fishing operations in the Taiwan Strait and ensure the safety of mainland fishermen.
    2024/02/15 10:51
  • Taiwan’s exports hit top-three record despite 2023 dip

    Taiwan’s export performance reached a historic high from 2021 to 2023, but experienced a 9.8% decline in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Despite this setback, exports to the U.S. continued to soar with a 49.7% year-on-year increase, while exports to countries covered by Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy also saw significant growth. However, exports to mainland China decreased to 35.2%. Taiwan’s total export tally for 2023 amounted to US$432.48 billion, ranking behind only 2022 and 2021. The demand for communications and electronic products during the pandemic-induced work-from-home trend boosted Taiwan’s exports. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research predicted significant international trade growth in 2024, which would benefit export-oriented economies like Taiwan. In December 2023, Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. reached $8.49 billion, and exports to southern countries surged by over 50%. However, due to the limited coverage of free trade agreements (FTAs), many traditional Taiwanese industries chose to restructure risks and production in Southeast and South Asia. The return of Taiwanese businesses and the expansion of local factories after the U.S.-China trade war, as well as global economic circumstances, significantly impacted the decline in 2023 exports. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimated the first-quarter export volume for 2024 to be around US$106.1 billion, which is an improvement compared to the same period in 2023, but a 10% decrease from 2022.
    2024/02/15 10:49
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • Survey reveals doubts on China’s ability to invade Taiwan

    A survey conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Taiwan’s Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) reveals that only 26% of U.S. experts and 17% of Taiwanese experts believe that China has the military capability to carry out a "joint island landing operation" within the next five years. The study, which surveyed 52 U.S. experts and 35 Taiwanese experts, found that most agreed that China lacks the ability to effectively implement a joint maritime, land, and air invasion of Taiwan. However, 90% of U.S. experts and 62% of Taiwanese experts believe that China could isolate or blockade Taiwan in the next five years, primarily as a commercial action. This action would be conducted by China’s Coast Guard or other law enforcement vessels, not its military. Additionally, 80% of U.S. experts and 60% of Taiwanese experts believe that China could implement a blockade of Taiwan, which would involve both commercial and military activities led by China’s military. Taiwanese experts generally had a more conservative viewpoint on China’s execution abilities compared to their American counterparts when it came to perceived threats from mainland China.
    2024/01/23 13:01
  • 67% of Taiwanese identify solely as Taiwanese: Pew poll

    According to a survey by the U.S think tank Pew Research Center, Taiwanese residents overwhelmingly identify themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese. The survey, conducted between June and September 2023, found that 67% of respondents identified as Taiwanese, while only 3% identified primarily as Chinese. Additionally, 28% considered themselves both Taiwanese and Chinese. These identity categories were reflected in political preferences, with self-identifying Taiwanese more likely to align with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Among residents below 35 years old, 83% identified as purely Taiwanese, and among women, 72% identified as exclusively Taiwanese. Despite this, 40% of respondents still had emotional ties to mainland China, with 11% maintaining strong emotions towards it. The survey also revealed a bearish outlook on China, with 66% of adults perceiving China’s power and influence as a threat. Both DPP and Kuomintang (KMT) voters considered China a major threat to Taiwan, with 78% and 59% respectively. However, KMT supporters were more likely to view the U.S. as a principal threat compared to DPP supporters. In terms of domestic issues, only 10% of KMT supporters were satisfied with the current state of living, compared to 48% of DPP supporters.
    2024/01/18 12:23
  • Businesses urge President-elect to boost cross-strait ties

    The Third Wednesday Club Chairman Lin Por-fong expresses hope for improved cross-strait relations and economic cooperation under the ECFA with President-elect Lai Ching-te. Lin emphasizes the importance of handling international relations well, resolving cross-strait issues through communication and exchange, and establishing communication mechanisms with China. He believes that cross-strait relations impact economic development and calls for the loosening of restrictions on the economy, tourism, and culture. Lin advocates for the active maintenance of the ECFA, highlighting that international economic agreements like the CPTPP and RCEP require mainland China’s consent. Concerns are raised about the potential impacts on industries if China terminates the ECFA. Compal Electronics Chairman Hsu Sheng-hsiung warns of global unrest due to constant change and challenges across industries, technologies, economies, politics, and conflicts among nations. He also highlights the need for industries to monitor potential escalations of conflicts as nations vie for resources.
    2024/01/18 10:25
  • MAC slams Beijing for ’dollar diplomacy’ to sway Nauru

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) strongly condemns Beijing’s attempt to lure the Republic of Nauru into resuming diplomatic relations, accusing China of disrupting international order through "dollar diplomacy." The MAC criticizes China’s actions as an attempt to suppress Taiwan’s international status and sovereignty, despite its successful presidential election. Beijing’s attempts to snatch away Taiwan’s diplomatic allies will not earn it respect from the international community but will instead highlight Taiwan’s democratic achievements and contributions. The MAC calls on Beijing to stop this zero-sum thinking and emphasizes that the ROC government will continue to strengthen Taiwan’s resilience, unite society, and safeguard its international status and rights.
    2024/01/16 12:29
  • Taoyuan legislator candidate detained for alleged China ties

    Ma Chih-wei, an independent legislative candidate from Taoyuan City, has been detained on suspicion of violating Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Act, amid allegations of receiving support from mainland China.
    2024/01/05 22:04
  • Tsai Ing-wen upholds status quo across Taiwan Strait: MOFA

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, emphasized in an exclusive interview with CNN that Taiwan is a democratic nation and that the majority of its people wish to maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait. Wu discussed various topics, including the significance of Taiwan’s presidential elections for its democratic growth, national defense, Indo-Pacific conditions, and Taiwan-India relations. He highlighted President Tsai Ing-wen’s commitment to upholding the political status quo, which has gained international recognition. Wu also emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, as Taiwan produces 90% of the world’s semiconductor chips. He addressed the military threats from mainland China, stating that Taiwan is striving to enhance its defense capacities to deter aggression. Additionally, Wu expressed hopes to strengthen the connection between Taiwan and India in integrating their semiconductor supply chains through talent cultivation.
    2024/01/05 16:14
  • TAO refutes DPP’s claims of Chinese interference

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesman Chen Binhua accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of deflecting blame on mainland China to conceal its politicians’ wrongdoings. The controversy arose when DPP legislator Lo Chih-cheng was accused of being involved in a sex tape. Lo suggested that the video was manipulated using deepfake technology and blamed Chinese cyber forces for election intervention. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te claimed that this incident demonstrates China’s intrusion in the elections and compared it to a similar incident involving Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Lo condemned the defamatory tactics used and warned of legal repercussions. TAO spokesman Chen Binhua argued that the DPP habitually attacks mainland China during Taiwan’s elections and accused the party of resorting to rumormongering to mask its impropriety and corruption.
    2024/01/04 14:52
  • China’s Taiwan Affairs Director urges peaceful unification

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao urges Taiwan’s people to promote the peaceful unification process and return cross-strait relations to the correct track. This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the historically inevitable reunification of the motherland in his New Year’s address. The forthcoming presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan make these remarks noteworthy. Song’s message, titled "Keep the Direction, Forge Ahead," was published in the "Cross-Strait Relations" magazine, highlighting mainland China’s strides in establishing its commanding position and initiative in cross-strait affairs in 2023. The bold declarations from China could potentially influence Taiwanese voters’ perceptions and choices at the polls.
    2024/01/02 13:41
  • Presidential debate ignites over R.O.C. Constitution

    The sole televised debate for Taiwan’s 2024 presidential candidates featured heated exchanges among Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) regarding the representation of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). The candidates were questioned about their recognition of the inherent territory in mainland China and Taiwan, whether both are part of the R.O.C., and their stance on the principle of "one country, two systems." Lai expressed skepticism about recognizing the R.O.C. as a "guardian deity" of both sides, while Hou emphasized his adherence to the Constitution and opposition to the one-country-two-systems principle. Ko argued that following the constitution is crucial for presidential candidates and emphasized maintaining the status quo.
    2023/12/30 18:56
  • KMT candidate slams foreign influence in Taiwan election

    In this story, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih expresses disapproval of foreign influence in Taiwan’s elections during a presidential debate. Hou criticizes the Anti-Infiltration Act and the potential politicization of the judiciary. He accuses Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chao Tien-lin of pro-China bias without legal consequences and hints at undisclosed reception from Chinese authorities during Lai Ching-te’s visit to mainland China in 2017. Hou questions the DPP’s double standards and openly scrutinizes Lai, demanding their stance on U.S. disapproval of Taiwan’s independence. He labels Lai as a "pragmatic worker of Taiwan independence."
    2023/12/30 16:40
  • Hou Yu-ih challenges Tsai’s foreign policy effectiveness

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih challenges the effectiveness of President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign policy, questioning its impact on Taiwan-China communication, severed relations with former allies, extended military service, and increased risk of Chinese fighter jets breaching Taiwan’s airspace. The three presidential contenders, including Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je, discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations and their stance on President Tsai’s policy. Hou questions DPP’s handling of tainted politics during their time in power and highlights his support for the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). He also addresses concerns over cross-strait flight operations and employment difficulties for Chinese students in Taiwan. Hou pledges to follow the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and maintain administrative neutrality without relying on any side.
    2023/12/30 15:51
  • TAO urges Taiwan to uphold peace, reject independence

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, emphasized the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait during a press conference. Chen suggested that if Taiwan adhered to the 1992 Consensus and opposed independence, cross-strait relations could return to a peaceful track. He called for both sides of the Strait to work together to uphold peace and stability for cross-strait prosperity. Chen’s statement aligns with recent remarks by Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, who pledged to improve cross-strait relations through discussions and collaborations. Chen also criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for promoting Taiwan’s independence, refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus, and colluding with foreign forces. He argued that these actions have caused tension and made Taiwan a source of instability in the region.
    2023/12/27 14:31
  • Ko Wen-je accuses China of meddling in Taiwan’s election

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held a livestream on his YouTube channel to discuss China’s involvement in the elections. He accused China of producing fake polls in favor of the Kuomintang (KMT) party’s "Hou-Jaw" ticket, with the intention of committing electoral fraud. Ko warned voters that choosing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would increase the risk of war, while choosing the KMT would carry the threat of being influenced by mainland China. He questioned the motives behind the falsified polls and highlighted the DPP’s anti-China stance and the KMT’s reliance on Chinese influence. Ko positioned himself as a safer choice, promising to maintain peace and Taiwan’s independence.
    2023/12/26 10:06
  • China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, announced that the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China will resume imports of Taiwan groupers from certified and registered fish farms. This comes after China halted imports of the fish on June 13, 2022, due to the detection of banned substances. Zhu praised the Taiwanese grouper industry for taking effective measures to improve the safety of groupers during this period. She specifically highlighted the guidance provided by Su Ching-chuan, the policy committee vice chair of the Kuomintang (KMT), and Huang Yi-cheng, head of the Taiwan Cross-Strait Agricultural and Fishery Exchange Development Investment Association. The TAO emphasized that as long as Taiwan adheres to the 1992 Consensus and opposes independence, mainland China and Taiwan will be considered one family.
    2023/12/22 16:15
  • China’s tariff move to hit Taiwan’s petrochemical exports

    The Customs Tariff Commission of China’s State Council has announced that starting from January 1 next year, it will suspend the application of preferential tariffs for 12 categories of chemically imported goods from Taiwan, including propylene and paraxylene. China claims that Taiwan violates ECFA regulations by imposing discriminatory trade measures for products exported from China, and a trade barrier investigation by China’s Ministry of Commerce confirmed these restrictions as a trade barrier. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) accuses China of political manipulation and bypassing WTO dispute mechanisms. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) states that the export value of ECFA’s early harvest list to China has been decreasing, projected to retract to pre-ECFA levels by year-end. The MOEA proposes managing cross-strait economic disputes under the WTO mechanism and encourages China to do the same.
    2023/12/21 21:42
  • Taiwan’s new southbound investment tops China’s in 2023

    Taiwan’s investments in New Southbound countries in the first 11 months of 2023 have surpassed investments in Mainland China, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Investments in the New Southbound countries reached US$5.13 billion, a 7.26% year-on-year increase, outstripping investments in Mainland China, which stood at US$2.96 billion. This trend is driven by the supply chain diversification, accelerated by the U.S.-China trade war and major manufacturers’ strategies to decentralize operations. Investments in New Southbound countries now account for around 20% of Taiwan’s total overseas investments, whereas China accounts for approximately 11.5%. From January to November 2023, there were 2,102 approved cases of overseas-focused investments by Taiwanese and foreign entities, a decrease of 8.89% compared to last year. The amount invested reached about US$10.8 billion (approximately NT$323.7 billion), the second-highest for the period in the last 15 years but still representing a 13.04% decline from the previous year. Investments from New Southbound countries into Taiwan saw 609 approved cases within the same timeframe, an annual increase of 41.30%. The investment totaled approximately US$2.5 billion (about NT$75.7 billion), up 25.20% from the previous year, with the most significant inflows originating from Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. On a broader scale, the 504 approved cases of outbound investments from Taiwan marked a 2.44% annual increase, surging by 145.61% financially to roughly US$22.8 billion (approximately NT$684.4 billion). Investments in New Southbound countries revealed 195 approved cases, rising by 35.42% year-on-year, totaling around US$5.1 billion (approximately NT$ 154.1 billion) and constituting 20% of Taiwan’s total foreign investments. Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand were the leading recipients. Conversely, approved investments in Mainland China amounted to 305 cases, down by 7.58%, with the approved investment sum decreasing by 33.91% to approximately US$2.96 billion (about NT$88.9 billion). Mainland Chinese investments in Taiwan experienced a 45.45% decline in approved cases to 24, with the investment figure falling 21.65% to about US$27.4 million (approximately NT$821.6 million).
    2023/12/20 20:45
  • Taiwan slams China for ’distorting’ cross-strait exchanges

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) accuses the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of manipulating and inducing Taiwanese grassroots through hospitable receptions, while distorting the goodwill of cross-strait exchanges. The MAC’s statement was in response to the claim by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) that "the momentum of cross-strait exchanges is unstoppable." The MAC harshly criticizes the CCP for creating artificial obstacles to cross-strait exchanges, fabricating charges, unlawfully detaining people, and practicing autocratic rule. The controversy revolves around allegations that 41 village chiefs from Taipei accepted travel to China at preferential prices and then returned to Taiwan to promote specific candidates. The TAO spokeswoman did not address whether the TAO provided funding for the travels, but claimed that frustrations among Taiwanese citizens have been fueled by the policies of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. This exchange reflects the ongoing tension in cross-strait relations, with Taiwan expressing concern over the CCP’s influence operations and China promoting closer ties.
    2023/12/20 17:18
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